File hash information. The baserom SHA1 is given, and the corresponding hash of the xdelta patch to apply.
NTSC : baserom `ABE01E4AEB033B6C0836819F549C791B26CFDE83` : xdelta `4B9B0499D35C1B14287F0C5300CF69A1FE3E4B5F`
The HUD looks like:
From left to right:
When C_LEFT + C_UP, boost is applied 45 degrees to the left. When C_RIGHT + C_UP, boost is applied 45 degrees to the right. Otherwise the forward direction is used.
These shortcuts work in solo game mode, regardless of the current control style.
Exit to title:
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down + all C buttons + R trigger
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down
controller 2: Z + DPAD Down
Restart stage:
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down + Start
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down
controller 2: Z + Start
All cheats and stages are unlocked.