
GoldenEye romhack index

Toggle Guard Option

Here's how I implemented runtime option to enable or disable guards.

I defined a global option variable in lvl.c. Header definitions:

#define ROMHACK_OPTION_GUARDS 0x00000200 extern u32 g_romhack_options;

I couldn't prevent guards being loaded at level start, this was causing strange issues. Instead I allow guard to be setup then immediately flag the guard as dead and removed.

chrlv.c method expand_09_characters:

new_chr->headnum = (s8) headid; new_chr->bodynum = (s8) bodyid; if ((setup_guard->bitflags & 4) != 0) { new_chr->chrflags |= CHRFLAG_CLONE; } if ((setup_guard->bitflags & 8) != 0) { new_chr->chrflags |= CHRFLAG_INVINCIBLE; } // this part is new if ((g_romhack_options & ROMHACK_OPTION_GUARDS) == 0) { new_chr->actiontype = ACT_DEAD; new_chr->hidden |= CHRHIDDEN_REMOVE; }

The next place to update is the guard constructor called from AI script, actionblock_guard_constructor_BDBE. I first check if this is Dr. Doak or Trevelyn on statue, then continue or exit based on the global option flag

s32 important_npc = 0; if (headnum == HEAD_Male_Dave_Dr_Doak && bossGetStageNum() == LEVELID_FACILITY) { important_npc = 1; } else if (bodynum == BODY_Trevelyan_Janus) { important_npc = 1; } if ((g_romhack_options & ROMHACK_OPTION_GUARDS) == 0 && important_npc == 0) { return NULL; }

The last place I updated is the AI script to clone a guard:

case AI_TRYCloningChr: // declarations if ((g_romhack_options & ROMHACK_OPTION_GUARDS) == 0) { Offset += AI_TRYCloningChr_LENGTH; break; }