Romhack to practice train ending, specifically for DLTK.
File hash information. The baserom SHA1 is given, and the corresponding hash of the xdelta patch to apply.
NTSC : baserom `ABE01E4AEB033B6C0836819F549C791B26CFDE83` : xdelta 1.0 `E743D89035D3485575DA3B5142FDDD1AA979873D`
I added settings in a new watch menu screen (second to last).
The first option controls Objective A (brakes). When complete, the last two guards are not spawned. When incomplete you will need to clear the brakes like normal.
There are two options to control the amount of starting ammo, one for 9MM and one for watch laser.
The last option adds extra time to Trev's script (0x413). Normally you have 30 seconds before he says "Too slow," but you can add additional seconds here. (Note: it's listed in increments of 10, but with lag this is more like 12).
These shortcuts work in solo game mode, regardless of the current control style.
Exit to title:
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down + all C buttons + R trigger
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down
controller 2: Z + DPAD Down
Restart stage:
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down + Start
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down
controller 2: Z + Start