Quick ROM hack to show mission timer and current airplane prop hit points. The best cinema is always chosen.
File hash information. The baserom SHA1 is given, and the corresponding hash of the xdelta patch to apply.
NTSC : baserom `ABE01E4AEB033B6C0836819F549C791B26CFDE83` : xdelta `F457BB303C71CE226E4C56C5E182E7F799FC70FF`
The game screen now looks like:
These shortcuts work in solo game mode, regardless of the current control style.
Exit to title:
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down + all C buttons + R trigger
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down
controller 2: Z + DPAD Down
Restart stage:
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down + Start
controller 1: Z + DPAD Down
controller 2: Z + Start
All cheats and stages are unlocked. Cinema #1 (the 2.4 lure one on Runway) is always chosen regardless of stage.
Props start at zero damage and work towards maxdamage. The airplane will explode at 20,000 damage.